Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I went to see Erin on my daughter's recommendation when I was visiting in Minneapolis. I had pulled something in my upper back that was causing pain there and all down my left arm. Uncharacteristically I was taking pain relievers and muscle relaxants just to try to manage the extreme aching and sharp twinges. I had tried my chiropractor, seen my physician, and been to a wonderful accupuncturist ----- none of whom could fix it. Then I spent an hour with Erin. It was so much better!! And when I returned for a second session (by then off the meds and sleeping again), she was able to completely relieve all pain. 
Erin is now my second reason for visiting the Cities as I always try to schedule a session with her when I see my daughter. Her compassion for and dedication to her patients is apparent in every aspect of her care. She really listens to what you are saying both verbally and physically with your body, and her treatment answers your needs. I would recommend her in the highest terms with no reservations whatsoever.
Gail K.
West Bend, WI

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