Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yelp Review

After a difficult birth we learned my daughter was feeling pain and unable to develop the way her body needed to. We tried many therapies to assist her with her process, without a lot of success. Fortunately, we found Erin who is competent and kind. Though it was an adjustment for my daughter to begin to feel some healing in her body, she began to improve. Erin knew what she was doing, and just how much my little girl could accept in a session. Now my daughter asks to see Erin when her body needs it. She feels a special kinship with Erin as someone who has helped her overcome physical and emotional difficulties. 

When we started with Erin I didn't completely understand the rolfing process. Now I see how incredible it can be for one's body. I look forward to my own rolfing work with Erin one day. 

We are so grateful to Erin and the help in healing my daughter, especially when so many other practioners could not.
Alison S.
Minneapolis, MN

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